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Download Centre

Easily access technical support, resources, application notes, material Safety Data Sheets, manuals and more in our Download Centre.

Safety Data Sheets

Please ensure that you read the relevant datasheet before using any of the chemical products that we sell.

If you have any queries, or can’t find the data sheet you need, please get in touch.


Calibration Solutions

Calibration Ammonia Std 1000ppm Hazard Info

File size 323.31 KB

Calibration Ammonium Std 1000ppm Hazard Info

File size 323.13 KB

Calibration Calcium Std 1000ppm Hazard Info

File size 319.73 KB

Calibration Chloride Std 1000ppm Hazard Info

File size 319.85 KB

Calibration Fluoride Std 1000ppm Hazard Info

File size 320.27 KB

Calibration Nitrate Std 1000ppm Hazard Info

File size 320.03 KB

Calibration Potassium Std 1000ppm Hazard Info

File size 319.5 KB

Buffer Solutions

Buffer Calcium Ionic Hazard Info

File size 319.94 KB

Buffer Chloride Ionic Hazard Info

File size 323.94 KB

Buffer Nitrate Ionic Hazard Info

File size 326.54 KB

Reference Electrode Fill Solution

Saturated Potassium Chloride Solution (no Silver Chloride)

File size 319.57 KB

Saturated Potassium Chloride Solution saturated with Silver Chloride

File size 332.34 KB

Saturated Potassium Chloride/ Silver Chloride Dry Tech Gel

File size 333.3 KB

3.3M Potassium Chloride Solution (no Silver Chloride)

File size 317.88 KB

3M Potassium Chloride Solution Saturated with Silver Chloride

File size 332.22 KB

4M Potassium Chloride Solution (no Silver Chloride)

File size 318.11 KB

4M Potassium Chloride Saturated with Silver Chloride

File size 332.23 KB

Reference Electrodes

Calomel Reference Electrode

File size 389.41 KB

Double Junction Ag/AgCl Reference Electrode – 4M KCl(outer), 4M KCl saturated with AgCl(inner)

File size 333.48 KB

Mercury/Mercuric Sulphate Reference Electrode

File size 383.82 KB

Other Solutions

Electrode Cleaning Solution 791 16 Data Sheet

File size 368.33 KB

Electrode Storage Solution 791 65 Data Sheet

File size 319.67 KB

Polarographic Dissolved Oxygen Electrode Filling Solution

File size 319.6 KB

Galvanic Dissolved Oxygen Electrode Filling Solution

File size 341.56 KB

Ion Selective Electrode Manuals

Find ion selective electrode theory, how to use an ISE and troubleshooting help in our operating instruction manuals.


Ammonia ISE

File size 787 KB

Ammonium ISE

File size 108 KB

Barium ISE

File size 181 KB

Bromide ISE

File size 248 KB

Cadmium ISE

File size 198.5 KB

Calcium ISE

File size 244 KB

Chloride ISE

File size 289.5 KB

Copper ISE

File size 113.5 KB

Cyanide ISE

File size 262.5 KB

Fluoride ISE

File size 110 KB

Iodide ISE

File size 235 KB

Lead ISE

File size 217 KB

Nitrate ISE

File size 307.5 KB

Perchlorate ISE

File size 100.5 KB

Potassium ISE

File size 267.5 KB

Silver ISE

File size 245 KB

Sodium ISE

File size 819 KB

Sulphide ISE

File size 262 KB

Thiocyanate ISE

File size 92 KB

Water Hardness ISE

File size 252 KB

Show more

Ion Selective Electrode Table

Download our Ion Selective Electrode table, showing all available ISEs, as well as important sensor specification information to help you find the electrode to suit your application.


Ion Selective Electrode Table

File size 160.15 KB

Other Electrode Manuals

Find conductivity and dissolved oxygen electrode theory, how to use the electrodes and troubleshooting help in our operating instruction manuals.


Conductivity Electrodes

File size 150.17 KB

Dissolved Oxygen Electrodes

File size 324.4 KB

Training Manual

Download our electrodes training manual for information on electrode construction, how to specify an electrode, pH meter/electrode calibration, electrode care and maintenance, and techniques for re-terminating the electrode cable.


pH Conductivity Reference Electrodes Manual

File size 347.88 KB

Application Notes

If you are interested in receiving copies of our application notes please fill in the following form, selecting up to FIVE application notes you are interested in, and we will email them to you.

Please note that this is subject to approval, and it may take a few working days for them to be emailed out to you. In the meantime if you have any questions then please read our pH, Conductivity & Reference Electrodes FAQs or get in touch.

Also, these application notes are copyright Sentek Limited and are not for redistribution without our approval.

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